做空、披露和歪曲Short, Disclose, and Distort

时间:2023-07-14         阅读:


主题做空、披露和歪曲Short, Disclose, and Distort

主讲人香港大学商学院 高平阳教授

主持人:必威金融研究院 刘俊教授

时间7月20日 10:30-12:00


主办单位:金融研究院 科研处




We investigate the voluntary disclosure decision of activist speculators using a variant of the Dye model. In our model, a speculatorfirst uncovers initial evidence about the targetfirm and then seeks additional information to help interpret the initial evidence. The speculator takes a position in thefirm’s stock, then voluntarily disclose some or all of their findings, andfinally closes their position after the disclosure. We present three mainfindings. First, the speculator will always disclose the initial evidence, even though the market is uncertain about whether the speculator possesses such evidence. Second, the speculator’s disclosure of the additional information is not monotonic: they disclose it in the tails but withhold it in the middle. Third, this distortion in disclosure enables the speculator to engage in market manipulation, whereby they take a short (long) position despite having good (bad) news.
